My daughter was about to turn three. Her current obsessions include Wizard of Oz, the Grinch Who Stole Christmas, and Daniel Tiger. So when we asked her what she wanted for her party, she exclaimed she wanted to be “Dorofee with a Emerald City cake.”
It took no time to head to Pinterest for ideas and we threw most of the decorations together ourselves. Below are the results of our inspired home made decorations and the Emerald City Birthday!

It all began with the ruby slippers!

Black and white striped straws and molded marzipan shoes. (Straws were $1.00 and the marzipan in white was around $5.00 in the baking isle.)

And gifts from the grateful Munchkinlandians, who sent you on your journey down….

…the Yellow Brick Road! (a yellow sheet of plastic tablecloth with golden yellow paint applied in a loose brick pattern with a rectangular kitchen sponge. $1.75 in materials)

Where you make new friends over the rainbow

…..and Toto too!!

(Inexpensive witch from the post-Halloween sales from our local craft store!)

The Emerald City Spread.

Emerald City spires, gift wall.

Where you can make your own Glinda wands! (Also reduced price after Halloween for make it yourself wand kits)

Mom-witch and little brother trying out the marzipan slippers.

And our sweet birthday Dorothy!